Logistics services
Besides transportation TransPeltola offers also other logistics services: warehousing, forwarding, railway transportation and container terminal services in Kouvola, South-Eastern Finland. The warehousing, cargo handling and forwarding services are provided by TransPeltola’s daughter company Kouvola Cargo Handling Oy.
Kouvola Cargo Handling has 21 000 m2 of indoor storage space in Kouvola, South-Eastern Finland. The location is optimal for Russian/CIS traffic. All warehouses serve both truck and railway traffic. The warehouses are also Customs bonded and good for storing not declared goods.
Container terminal & multimodal transportation (truck+railway)
We have a six hectare terminal area in Kouvola suitable also for container handling, multimodal transportation and project cargo loading. There is a rail connection to the terminal, which allows efficient change of transport mode from truck to railway transportation or vice versa. The reach stackers have a lifting capacity of 41 tn.
Freight forwarding and Customs clearance
We take care of customs clearance (export, import and transit) and transport documentation for truck and railway traffic. We can also assist you in special procedures, such as inward processing, outward processing and temporary admission. More information on forwarding services
Railway tariffs in Finland, Russia, CIS and China
Besides truck transportation, we can also provide railway transportation in Finland, Russia, CIS and China.
Let’s talk about logistics! Contact us.
Anu Kujansuu
Marketing Director
Tel. +358 40 554 1183
Jussi Toikka
Managing Director
Kouvola Cargo Handling Oy
Tel. +358 40 584 0101